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**PRINT: FRIENDS FROM CINCINNATI: Installment 24 features this part coming-of-age short by Chicago's Patrick Somerville, author of the Trouble collection of shorts out in 2006. | PAST BROADSHEETS |

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Todd Dills


CAND: Candidate for the position of Assistant Editor, Publications Wing, Coffeetable INTL -- a male of perhaps 24 years, shaggy-haired and short, wearing a pressed business outfit.

HEAD: Developmental Editor-in-Chief in the Development Wing of Coffeetable INTL -- a male of perhaps 40 years, perhaps slightly less, skinny and hump-backed and without glasses, black hair graying around ears.

HEAD: Hello, Sir. So why are you here?

CAND: The Assistant Editor's job, sir.

HEAD: Tell me about yourself, why don't you.

CAND: I come from North Carolina, well, originally. Town called Monroe just outside Charlotte. Lots of NASCAR fans there.

HEAD: Why do you want this job?

CAND: I'm in grad school and I'm broke.

HEAD: Fair enough.

CAND and HEAD here shrug, HEAD giving a 'We'll let you know but you have no chance' sort of look to CAND, at which point CAND stands and...