What do you do when your best friend in high school has a peculiar ability to pull bones from a "compartment on the underside of his left forearm"? Why, built a skeletal replica of him, of course, or such is just one of the conclusions of the antagonists at work in Louisville-based writer and decomP mag editor Jason Jordan's "Sternum as 3" short, originally written on the occasion of Jordan's performance at the March 2010 installment of the THE2NDHAND/Keyhole Press coproduction the Nashville Brick Reading Series. "Sternum" is the lead story our latest mini-broadsheet, now available here. Also included, five prose poems from Rick Henry's "Then" collection. Henry has published fiction and articles in a variety of journals and anthologies. Among his books are Chant: A Romance Readers, please share with interested parties. Available in pdf and easily printed via THE2NDHAND.com/printjump.html, our mini-broadsheets are designed for portability on mobile devices and for print via readers' desktops. Print pages 1 and 2 on the front and back sides, respectively, of 8.5x11-in. paper, read, distributing in mini-stacks or singly in your neighborhoods’ reading-friendly establishments’ bathrooms and other spaces. For the issue pdf, click on the thumbnail of the front side below. Options for ordering the print broadsheet are below as well (orders typically include a couple back issues, though if there's one you're particularly interested in, please feel free to specify). To order by mail, please send $1 to: THE2NDHAND Or by donation using any major credit card via PayPal (allow a couple weeks for delivery): A THE2NDHAND lifetime subscription for readers in the U.S. can be had for a donation of $30 or more, three years (or 12 issues) for $20. Checks can be made payable to Todd Dills/THE2NDHAND and mailed to: or send a payment through Paypal here: 070410 |