We at THE2NDHAND are committed to the subversion of information; on that note we introduce this section to the world--FAQs. Yes, real-life, found-on-the-Internet FAQs, but with questions from one FAQ answered by another, totally unrelated one, as in the example below:
Question from "The New WWW FAQs"; answer from "Shamanism FAQ"
Q: Why did my favorite site disappear?
A: The underlying significant aspect of this experience, when it is present, is the ability of the shaman to manage and resolve periods of distress.
We believe that two or more FAQs combined can create a totally new form of knowledge out of absolute misinformation that sounds convincing enough. Could a shaman really help ease the pain of the loss of your favorite website? Probably? Hell yes!
Send us your own: tell us, of course, where your questions and answers come from. They should come from actual sites, because misinformation cannot just be "made up." Direct your questions or submissions to FAQ editor Mickey Hess, Minister of Misinformation.