What is hair loss caused by?
Ian Stuart, the grandfather of all skinheads.
Are you an 'Oi!' band?
I'm very interested in hair transplantation. I have performed a
number of successful mustache hair transplants.

So Oi! is a distinct skinhead style of music. Any other styles
strictly "skinhead"?
The best thing to do is address your hair loss as soon as possible.
Grafts are individually cut under the microscope, and as many as 2500
of these grafts can be transplanted during a single procedure.
Are there solutions for those with very advanced degrees of baldness?
There's a new brew of music coming out and it's called Hatecore,
with violent bands like Blue Eyed Devils and Aggravated Assault
leading the assault.
What is Androgenetic Alopecia?
I think there's a lot of people with a lot of messed-up ideas of
what it is. Some people think it means "White Power." People are
really confused.
I am a 56-year-old male with major hair loss. I have worn a
hairpiece for the past ten years. I am in excellent health. Do you
have any suggestions for me?
A chanting sing-along type of thing. It's very simple. Bass.
Guitar. Drums. Lots of chanting.
I've been at a show where I was told that I (at the time of having
long hair) did not have the right to say 'Oi!'...
I've had several other patients in your situation, and basically we
perform a procedure. The goal is to provide you with a natural-looking
receding or mature hairline.
Because I'm African-American, is there anything specific that I need to know?
Oh yeah, 'Oi!' is for skins, 'Oi!' is for punks, 'Oi!' is for
Herberts, 'Oi!' is for everybody. "Herberts" are longhairs. That's a
British term. I don't use it because I'm not British. 'Oi!' is for
everybody though -- black or white.