Chicago writer Lauren Pretnar wrote the story that comprises our 28th edition, "Small Country," a deft rendition of the raw emotion of life forever tugged by the past, present and future. For the story's protagonist, a wedding caravan to the woods (far from her own home: she flew to get there) under the specter of nuptial infidelity plays point-counterpoint to her own life's shortcomings. Stayed tuned for a release reading featuring Pretnar to be held June 26 at Ronnie's in Chicago. To read this issue, which also includes an excerpt from Spencer Dew's wonderful new book, Songs of Insurgency, click on the thumbnail of the front side below. Options for ordering the print are below as well (orders typically include a couple back issues, though if there's one you're particularly interested in, please feel free to specify), and otherwise, look for it on the street in Chicago, Bham, Tuscaloosa, New York, L.A., New Orleans.... To order Installment 28 by mail, please send $2 to: THE2NDHAND Or by donation using any major credit card via PayPal (allow a couple weeks for delivery): A lifetime subscription for readers in the U.S. can be had for a donation of $30 or more. Checks can be made out to Todd Dills and mailed to: or send a payment through Paypal here: 051808 |