LIFE ON THE FRONTIER, by Chicago resident and native Kate Duva, is THE2NDHAND’s 33rd broadsheet. Duva's been plying the brains of THE2NDHAND readers for several years now, and her characteristic stylistic mix of arch-weird and arch-real in story makes for an explosively brittle manifestation of reality in this the longest story she's published in these halls, about a young woman's sojourn at what she sees as the edges of American civilization, Albuquerque, N.M., where she works as a nurse in state group homes for aging mentally disabled people. Catch Duva Feb. 8, 2010, at Whistler in Chicago at the second installment of our new reading series, So You Think You Have Nerves of Steel? This issue also features a short by THE2NDHAND coeditor C.T. Ballentine. To read this issue in pdf click on the thumbnail of the front side below. Options for ordering the print broadsheet are below as well (orders typically include a couple back issues, though if there's one you're particularly interested in, please feel free to specify), and otherwise, look for it on the street in Nashville, Chicago, Birmingham, Tuscaloosa, New York, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Amherst... To order by mail, please send $2 to: THE2NDHAND Or by donation using any major credit card via PayPal (allow a couple weeks for delivery): A lifetime subscription for readers in the U.S. can be had for a donation of $30 or more, three years (or 12 issues) for $20. Checks can be made payable to Todd Dills/THE2NDHAND and mailed to: or send a payment through Paypal here: 120609 |